среда, 29 августа 2018 г.

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<a 2 rel='nofollow' href='https://mcdodo.pk/' target=_blank title='Открыть ссылку в новом окне'>Mcdodo PK</a> many are just familiar with the standard J hooks or the ones with the bat wing or multi clip that mounts to grid wire or pencil rod. While these are the most common J hooks, there is a lot more out there. Start With Size What sizes to J hooks come in? Well 2" is by far the most common, did you know that they come in sizes ranging from 3/4" to 4"? Most outlets carry J hooks in the 2" and you won&#39;t find out about the other sizes unless they are called out on the print or you ask about them. A 3/4" unit will costly about half of a 2" size. The 4" is a great way to save money on your larger runs without going to a ladder rack or cable tray. Available Attachments For. <a 1 rel="nofollow" href="https://mcdodo.pk/" target=_blank title="Открыть ссылку в новом окне">https://mcdodo.pk/</a><br><br><a href="https://forum.n-sk.info/?id=26737">Обсуждение на Новокуйбышевском форуме</a>: https://forum.n-sk.info/?id=26737 А также, <a href="http://www.n-sk.info/">сайт Новокуйбышевска</a>

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